The past three weeks has been an intense ride, building a new place was intense, but now that we are open it's crazy. Thank you to everyone who came by to try and buy. You are keeping us happy to be here. My staff is amazing and I'm so proud of them. Especially my GM Crystal.
That said, please come by to say hi, have a coffee and a bonbon (That are flying out of the doors thanks to my chocolatier, Jewel) We will constantly change up the menu and offerings to keep you on your toes. Our baristas constantly try new flavors and will tell you all about them given the chance.
We will constantly try new breakfast items for you 7am folk, tell us what you want, chances are we are already working on it. New bakeries coming on line as well.
Stray tuned for the wine bar and cocktail bar that will start up in the next few months. Know a good mixologist? Send em our way. Must be personable, excited and innovative. Some of the latest pics for you: