About Us

Hello! My name is Mark Burrows and I founded  Pollinator Chocolate in the mountains of Colorado in 2019.

 Chocolate has always been a passion of mine. I've always been the guy who has a bar (or five) of chocolate on me at all times. Whether at home or on the road, I was always searching for my next delicious bar of craft chocolate.

 I remember the first time I discovered a bar from Scharffen Berger, a small chocolate shop in San Francisco. This first experience with craft chocolate was a game changer. Suddenly I began to seek other companies that specialized in high-quality craft chocolate: Askinosie, Dandelion, Dick Taylor, to name a few. This new discovery not only drove me deeper into my chocolate obsession, but also inspired me to take the next step in my chocolate journey!

I began to buy my own beans from the Chocolate Alchemist and experiment at home, watching every video and reading every book I could find about chocolate making, makers, and techniques! I enrolled in Ecole Chocolate and completed every course that was available to me. Next, I joined FICA, the Fine Chocolate Industry Association) and attended all of their webinars—I loved learning from those who, just like me, were paving their own way in the chocolate industry.

Shortly thereafter, I made the exciting jump to my own bona-fide commercial space where I can create without restriction. From single origin to unique inclusion bars.


Starting out in the world as a photographer and Audio/Visual tech, I was always looking for something new and different. 
Now that I've grown into a more "elf on a shelf" type person I'm focusing on chocolate making and building a business that will bring along my friends and take care of all of us.
This is Crystal, My right hand and probably my left hand too. She's so talented and focused on chocolate making and building this to be a huge success that she literally levitates she gets so focused and excited. 
When we have to travel, we're never far from a chocolate destination. And always make sure tp come home with armfulls of the goodness. 
Crystal and I met through our mutual love for the bees. We work on our hives together, the photo above is one of her hives that we had just placed in her backyard. She is rarley without a smile, even when being stung.
Our home, Carbondale Colorado. 
This is Jewel, My chocolatier. If you've had the pleasure of eating one of the bonbons we make it's come from her mind and hands. Hyper creative, you can count on more amazing flavors once we get up to speed.
Jewel also doubles (as does everyone around here) as a sales person at festivals sometimes. But we all work to support each other, chocolate making, bonbon recipe creation, sales, delveries, whatever is needed. 
My Commitment To The World


When I started this business, I knew that I wanted to be as eco-conscious as possible. I am very pleased to say that all of my shipping materials and chocolate packaging are plastic free and fully recyclable, compostable, and/or reusable! 


All of my chocolate is ethically sourced as I ensure that all of my beans come from importers that guarantee their farmers a living wage and do not employ any form of slave or child labor. 

We all hope you make the trip to our home and visit our factory/cocktail lounge/desert bar as soon as you can. 


We now have our kitchen finished and operational. 


Cafe Menu

Coffee & Tea

  • Drip Coffee
  • Americano / Espresso
  • Macchiato
  • Cortado
  • Cappuccino
  • Latte
  • Mocha
  • Flapjack (Hazelnut, Vanilla, Sea Salt, Cinnamon, Maple Syrup)
  • Cardamom Rose (Cardamom, Rose, and Strawberry Powder)
  • Hot Chocolate
    -Indian Spice
  • Chocolate Soda
  • Matcha
  • Sherpa Chai
  • Assortment of Teas

  • Enhancements
    -Mushroom Mind Mix
    -Mushroom Body Blend

  • Organic Flavors

Treats & Snacks

  • Variety of Bonbon Flavors
  • Huge Variety of Chocolate Bars
  • Gluten Free Donut
  • Gluten Free Burritos
  • Variety of Pastries
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Want Us To Host Your Event?

  • Hours of Operation

    Monday - Saturday | 8am - 5pm
    Sunday | 8am - 4pm

  • Contact Us

